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 Ways to Contribute

  • Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Support Our Daily Operations
    The Farmington Historical Society gratefully accepts contributions that are fully tax-deductible to support the daily operations of the institution.
  • Add to the Collections
    The Society is dedicated to increasing our collections with material that complements and enhances the mission of the Society.
  • Make a Gift in Honor of or in Memory of Someone Special
  • Contribute to our Expansion Campaign which includes the restoration of the Mary Barney Carey House, our future headquarters, located at 729 Farmington Ave.
  • Endowment Opportunities
    Make an endowment gift that will last for generations.
  • Sponsorship Opportunities
    Support one of the Society’s programs for visitors of all ages.

The Farmington Historical Society
P.O. Box 1645
Farmington, CT 06034
(860) 678 – 1645
